Happy Summer Break!!!
This website contains information about the parent group "Friends of CHS Band" that exists to support the Corvallis High Band Program. It contains many valuable resources in one place for the PARENTS of a CHS band student! Links for band clinics and all the current info for WIBC, Allstate or All Northwest can be found here, as well as Summer Music Camps and related materials! If you are looking for details for your student about current happenings in the Corvallis Band Program, their website is: www.corvallisbandprogram.com


Band trip to Hermiston Nov. 14th

Parent permission slips and an information letter were handed out in the classes this week. The permission slips need to be returned by Wednesday Nov 12th. The OSAA will provide a band bus. This is a long, long trip. It is voluntary and good for service learning hours.

Friday Nov 14th:

12:00 Band students leave class, board the bus.

12:30 Depart CHS

6:00 arrive at Hermiston

9-9:30 Game over

3-3:30am arrive back in Corvallis

Students are to bring warm clothing, pillows and food. The temperature will be at least 10-15 colder than Corvallis, maybe even snow. The bus is free to the band students and admission is free to band students.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wooo band!